Many people look at me today and think I’ve always been a person with a healthy lifestyle and zero medical issues. What they don’t know is how life looked in my youth: I suffered from chronic, debilitating migraines … endometriosis … PCOS … hypoglycemia … fibromyalgia… many surgeries leading to a full hysterectomy at age 26 and thrown

into menopause. 60+ lb weight gain. Depression.

Widowed at 29. I was overmedicated

and undereducated.

The same year I dove into personal development, I dove into how the foods we eat affect our health. Even though I was on a sports medicine track back in college, we didn’t talk about this correlation at all during nutrition class. By removing one highly inflammatory food, I completely eliminated my migraines, fibromyalgia, and hypoglycemia… all of which stem from inflammation.


Fast forward a few years, and I started learning about the products we use every day from cleaning supplies to personal care like shampoo, soap and body lotion. One by one I started making swaps… and my hormones started self regulating.

My life and my health today looks completely different than it did a decade ago. I hardly recognize the person I was, and all the while grateful for her tenacity and willingness to continue to learn, make mistakes, correct and continue. I wouldn’t be here today without her!

Besides cooking up new tasty treats in the kitchen, I love to dance, practice yoga, lift weights, walk, sing in the shower (loudly), jam to all kinds of music and to be near any body of water at any given time. Thanks for taking a few moments to learn a little more about my passions in this life!

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